Do I Look Like I Can Rob A Bank??

Today, on top of a whole lot of other bullshit, I was arrested. I know, I know how is that someone like me gets arrested? Well I was going to the bank trying to simply deposit my check the teller tells me " I have to call the check in" I said "Sure go for it." After standing there for about 25 minutes I see a bunch of cops roll into the bank and one approaches me and says "Put your hands on the counter," he hand cuffs me and says "your not under arrest just detained." Obviously my first reaction was like Ok but what did I do. They questioned me on what I did through out the day and where I got my check. I was still confused about why I was handcuffed. They took my car keys and searched my car. There was about 10 uniformed cops and 4 investigators there, just for me. They un-cuffed me and explained that a bank had been hit earlier in the day and that I " fit the discription of the suspect because I was wearing a hat." I laughted and said "Oh and I guess being hispanic was also a factor." They apologized for about 5 minutes I got my checked deposited and said " Fuck this," very loudly and walked out of the bank.

Honestly today was some bullshit. Major profiling. Oh well guess thats just how society sees me but honestly, if you know me, do I look capable to rob a bank? ha!


Toussaint said...

its a shady business out here in these streets

Anonymous said...

its a cold world..

WHOOPI said...

Damn...I know I'm the next one this is about to happen to. It's happened to everyone. Trust me I'm definitely gonna document it all when it happens.

k. peace said...

damn G...maybe we should unite the blacks and hispanics and take over the world just like that ignorant old white lady said in the video...then we kould profile people who fit the description of a douche bag.

CMB said...

u do look like u got some skemes to rob a bank up ur sleeve lol
not in the near future though cops r bitches

Anwar Carrots said...


Joshton Peas said...

daaaamn...that sucks

Dawn said...


thats crazyyy